Before finding Saff, I felt tired all the time with no motivation for anything. Everything felt like a struggle - I felt I was just watching time go by.

Since joining her wonderful group, I've transformed! I'm moving 5 days a week, I've lost a stone in 6 months. I feel like I have a purpose. She has changed my life.


The best way to take back control of your health & fitness is to stop dieting!

Eat better, feel great, gain control.

I know there is nothing worse than being stuck in a rut, continually promising yourself to start again on Monday with another quick fix that doesn’t give you the long term health or fitness transformation you really want.

Instead of that continual stop start cycle, you can use a simple, no restriction method that will help you to KEEP progressing, in as little as 5-15 minutes a day (so you don’t have to keep hitting pause and making a promise to start again on Monday, even when life gets tough or you think you’ve messed up).

Client Testimonials

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During the 5 days, you will learn some of the first steps I teach my private clients to help you cut through the clutter so you can focus on what you actually need to do to start moving forward to reaching your goals, saving you a whole lot of time and overwhelm trying to figure it all out on your own.

These are some VERY overlooked and often missed simple steps which work day in day out, whether you have tried ALL the diets, hate certain foods, STILL want to have your cake and eat it or hate doing hours in the gym, so that you can create lots of small consistent wins and massive amounts of momentum to give you a health and fitness transformation that lasts.

What you'll get

The Slimline your Waistline Video Library!

5 day Video Library

Access to your own course platform for access to your videos (released daily)!

During the 5 days, you will learn some of the first steps I teach my private clients to help you cut through the clutter so you can focus on what you actually need to do to start moving forward to reaching your goals, saving you a whole lot of time and overwhelm trying to figure it all out on your own.

I will also show you how in just 5-15 mins a day you can start taking the small daily actions that COUNT and eliminate the fluff that doesn’t, to start feeling confident to finally take control of your food instead of it controlling you.

Observe it to find your own start and end point so that you can define the EXACT first steps you need to take toward your lasting health goals. You'll get specific on WHY that's important to you (to get you out of the 'stop start trap')!

Plan it to create your own, unique plan of the actual action steps you need to take so you don’t have to waste time or leave it to guess  work, leaving you feel confident that you CAN do it in those times you haven't the energy to even 'think' about what's for dinner tonight. Today will hi-light why all thos other "done FOR you - done for noone - plans have failed you in the past).

Track it to be clear on what’s held you back in the past so you can begin to manage what you NEED to do in order to move that next step closer to your goal. Learn how to track what matters MOST (so you can STOP watching the scale or counting every morsel).

Move it so that you are able to choose the movements you LOVE, no matter what time you have available. You will finish today feeling more "BRING IT ON" than "my get up and go has got up and gone". You'll learn how to move in ways that work WITH you so that you don't have to do workouts that don't fit who you are and keep you stuck in the "all or nothing leads to nothing" cycle.

Progress it to get off that “I’ll start again on Monday” cycle and celebrate the progress you have made this week!! You will feel like your have finally moved forward and can stop quitting on yourself!

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Observe it

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Plan it

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Track it

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Move it

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Progress it

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Bonus Library

The Daily Slimline your Waistline PDF Guides!

Fill in along with your Video Guides

The short and focused (released daily) resources will help you gain clarity on where you are now and what you want, so that you can break free from a life of "should's."

They provide a head start by helping you establish what you NEED (and where you fall short on that) as well as guiding you to take action on what actually matters (to eliminate the fluff that doesn't).

If you want to eat better, take control and be free from dieting, then you need to pinpoint your start and end points, your REAL goals (and why it's important) and focus on the simple small steps that you can do right now.

Get honest with yourself to stop wasting time, energy and emotion on things that don't align with your values, fit your lifestyle, don't consider your likes/dislikes and don't give you the results you truly deserve.

Be guided through these simple first steps to gain clarity, energy and excitement to pursue your goals and dreams, and embrace a more balanced and joyful existence.


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Meal planner, Food/mood tracker

Your Daily Planner with your Food and Mood tracker to help keep you focused on the ACTUAL steps that fit your OWN, unique goal.

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Recipe pack

Gift recipe pack with 15 delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas plus an example 7 day meal plan (which you can copy to make your own) with a done for you shopping list so that you don’t have to leave it all to guess work.

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Simple shopping Bundle

Feel stuck on what the heck to buy? Need a little inspiration?

Or maybe you know you want to eat more protein, more healthy carbs, more healthy fats, but just not sure what foods have them.

In this bundle, you'll be inspired to add more of what you need

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Daily life


Your Daily life Journal will help you to identify Challenges and help you to find ways you can improve tomorrow.

PLUS your NOT to do list will remind you of the things that stress you, distract you and drain your energy, leaving you FREE to focus on the things that will ACTUALLY help to improve your life and reach those DEEP health goals.

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Embrace the Magic

of life LIVE

If you often feel like you just want to hit RESET and like reaching your goal just feels like an uphill struggle that leaves you stuck in the "SOD IT"? -

But you WANT to -

✔️  Go from STUCK in a rut to inspired and UNSTOPPABLE!

✔️ Break free from the should's and ignite the excitement, energy, confidence and self worth within and finally reach your goals (but in a way that feels like YOU) ...

Then join me for the next -

Embrace the Magic of Life 'LIVE' 4 day event for FREE

(Value £67)

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Daily reflection


Your Daily Reflection pages will help you reflect on your health goals and why they're important to you.

Learn more about your your mood, cravings, daily situations, sleep and physical activity and how they can influence your daily choices.

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Build the perfect meal

Portion control is in the palm of your hand!

Knowing what to eat is only half the battle when it comes to healthy also have to know how much to eat.

With awareness, and by having a simple guide to manage portion sizes, we can eat foods in a healthy, balanced way; building a better relationship around what we put into our body.

A simple, effective and proven method is the Hand Portion Method.

Hi, I'm Saffron

I'm a transformation coach, owner of Fitness and Nutrition Solutions (certified behaviour change specialist, nutrition coach, PT, Life coach & NLP Practitioner) and also creator of --

Reset, Reignite & Elevate Academy

Embrace the Magic of Life masterclass

The Stress Eating Solution FREE guide

5 Simple ways to eat better, take control & be free from dieting

Eat better without Restriction program

Slimline your Waistline 5 day course

How to Stop Self Sabotage (and take control of Stress & Emotional eating)

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I'm super excited to be offering the "Slimline your Waistline" program now for women who feel stuck in a rut with their health/diet/nutrition and are ready to jump off that yoyo diet roller coaster, keep it simple and finally be free from dieting.

You may have tried ALL of the diets in the past which have worked for a while until they just felt too difficult to stick with. Maybe you quit before you even reached your goal or maybe you reached your goal but couldn't sustain it. You know deep down that what you really need is something that fits YOU! That fits YOUR lifestyle, YOUR personality and family AND considers your likes and dislikes. You know too that what you need is something which feels simple and easy, that you are WILLING to do and doesn't involve counting all the 'things', carrying tupperware every day and turning down invitations because you can't eat or drink the same as everyone else.

You know you need to get out of the dieters mindset and swap to 'healthy eaters' mindset, but just don't know where to start.

I felt that too!

Which is why I created Slimline your Waistline (as part of my Eat Better without Restriction program ).

My Goal is to help women go from stuck in a rut, lost and uncertain to inspired, energised, empowered and thriving and rediscovering their passion, purpose and confidence to live a purpose driven, joyful life (through health, fitness, nutrition, sleep/stress/recovery and finding the ways to make behaviour change feel easier).

I achieve that EVERY day, because everything I do in my business, in my life, is with that intention. With that outcome in mind.

YOU can take the same baby steps I teach my clients to get the health you deserve as well as increase your energy and confidence and be proud of how you look and feel every single day, even though your own story may feel like it can only serve to hold you back.

When you look and feel your best, amazing things begin to happen. Relationships improve, you'll stop tolerating things that don't serve you and you'll recognise many doors opening in front of you.

It all starts one small step at a time. Let's do this!! Saff x



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